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Friday, October 19, 2018

EXCELLENT ANALYSIS - David Janda: Trump's 4 Triggers That Are Imploding The Deep State

EXCELLENT ANALYSIS - David Janda: Trump's 4 Triggers That Are Imploding The Deep State

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months#64030bc05850

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months#64030bc05850

100 ISIS Terrorists Caught in Guatemala as Central American Caravan Heads to U.S. - Judicial Watch

100 ISIS Terrorists Caught in Guatemala as Central American Caravan Heads to U.S. - Judicial Watch

CARAVAN SOLUTION? US-Mexican Authorities ‘Agree on Plan’ to Stop Migrants at Border | Sean Hannity

CARAVAN SOLUTION? US-Mexican Authorities ‘Agree on Plan’ to Stop Migrants at Border | Sean Hannity

BREAKING: President Trump threatens to send the military and close the U.S/Mexican border

BREAKING: President Trump threatens to send the military and close the U.S/Mexican border

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

State Department provided 'clearly false' statements to derail requests for Clinton docs, 'shocked' federal judge says | Fox News

State Department provided 'clearly false' statements to derail requests for Clinton docs, 'shocked' federal judge says | Fox News

State Department provided 'clearly false' statements to derail requests for Clinton docs, 'shocked' federal judge says | Fox News

State Department provided 'clearly false' statements to derail requests for Clinton docs, 'shocked' federal judge says | Fox News

Claire McCaskill Demands Investigation Into Project Veritas Videos - O'Keefe Responds

Claire McCaskill Demands Investigation Into Project Veritas Videos - O'Keefe Responds

Rep. Gaetz Sounds the Alarm After Footage Surfaces of Women & Children Given Cash to Join Honduran Caravan to Storm U.S. Border (VIDEO)

Rep. Gaetz Sounds the Alarm After Footage Surfaces of Women & Children Given Cash to Join Honduran Caravan to Storm U.S. Border (VIDEO)

Democrats Boycott Hearing on Trump's Judicial Nominees

Democrats Boycott Hearing on Trump's Judicial Nominees

Denmark And Italy Fight Back Against Open Borders As Populism Swells Across Europe | Zero Hedge

Denmark And Italy Fight Back Against Open Borders As Populism Swells Across Europe | Zero Hedge

Denmark And Italy Fight Back Against Open Borders As Populism Swells Across Europe | Zero Hedge

Denmark And Italy Fight Back Against Open Borders As Populism Swells Across Europe | Zero Hedge

HUGE: Supreme Court Will Hear Case to Decide if Far Left Tech Giants Can Censor Users

HUGE: Supreme Court Will Hear Case to Decide if Far Left Tech Giants Can Censor Users

Bakkt Ramps Up to Launch by December, Adds Coinbase Executive as COO | CryptoSlate

Bakkt Ramps Up to Launch by December, Adds Coinbase Executive as COO | CryptoSlate: Bakkt, the prospective powerhouse of institutional cryptocurrency sponsorship, is adding Chief Operating Officer the fifth-ever employee and General Manager of Coinbase, Adam White, and revealed that they expect its full range of trading services will hit the market as early as December. Welcoming White in a post on Medium, Bakkt CEO Kelly Loeffler nodded to the …

Bakkt Ramps Up to Launch by December, Adds Coinbase Executive as COO | CryptoSlate

Bakkt Ramps Up to Launch by December, Adds Coinbase Executive as COO | CryptoSlate: Bakkt, the prospective powerhouse of institutional cryptocurrency sponsorship, is adding Chief Operating Officer the fifth-ever employee and General Manager of Coinbase, Adam White, and revealed that they expect its full range of trading services will hit the market as early as December. Welcoming White in a post on Medium, Bakkt CEO Kelly Loeffler nodded to the …

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Crypto Defender Spars With Famed Critic During US Senate Hearing - CoinDesk

Crypto Defender Spars With Famed Critic During US Senate Hearing - CoinDesk: Peter Van Valkenburgh explained the potential benefits from cryptocurrency and blockchain while Nouriel Roubini called it "the mother of all scams."

Trump Signs Law That Ends Gag Orders Against Pharmacists Sharing Money-Saving Info | The Daily Caller

Trump Signs Law That Ends Gag Orders Against Pharmacists Sharing Money-Saving Info | The Daily Caller

Graham: ‘Going Low Is A Step Up’ For The Democratic Party | The Daily Caller

Graham: ‘Going Low Is A Step Up’ For The Democratic Party | The Daily Caller

Trump: Fed Is "Making A Big Mistake" With "Ridiculous" Rate Hikes | Zero Hedge

Trump: Fed Is "Making A Big Mistake" With "Ridiculous" Rate Hikes | Zero Hedge

Michael Savage: Left's ‘Orchestrated Mass Hysteria’ Over Trump Must Be Stopped

Michael Savage: Left's ‘Orchestrated Mass Hysteria’ Over Trump Must Be Stopped

Michael Savage: Left's ‘Orchestrated Mass Hysteria’ Over Trump Must Be Stopped

Michael Savage: Left's ‘Orchestrated Mass Hysteria’ Over Trump Must Be Stopped

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Tom Cotton Believes Chuck Schumer Is Behind Ford’s Leaked Letter | The Daily Caller

Tom Cotton Believes Chuck Schumer Is Behind Ford’s Leaked Letter | The Daily Caller

Comey Confidant James Baker Throws Rosenstein Under the Bus - Tells Congress His Plot to Oust Trump Was NOT A JOKE

Comey Confidant James Baker Throws Rosenstein Under the Bus - Tells Congress His Plot to Oust Trump Was NOT A JOKE

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy Introducing Bill to Fully Fund Border Wall

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy Introducing Bill to Fully Fund Border Wall

Anti-Kavanaugh Protesters Were Paid Says Journalist Embedded In the Crowds, Soros Funding 'Most Any Left Wing Group of Consequence'

Anti-Kavanaugh Protesters Were Paid Says Journalist Embedded In the Crowds, Soros Funding 'Most Any Left Wing Group of Consequence'


VIDEO: FOX: "FBI GC James Baker has now implicated a great many people at the FBI and the DOJ in the illicit scheme to frame Donald Trump"

VIDEO: FOX: "FBI GC James Baker has now implicated a great many people at the FBI and the DOJ in the illicit scheme to frame Donald Trump"

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Monday, October 1, 2018

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "WOW - THANK YOU TENNESSEE!… "

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "WOW - THANK YOU TENNESSEE!… "

IMAGE: Massive Crowd Tonight Outside of the Trump Rally Watching on the Big Screen

IMAGE: Massive Crowd Tonight Outside of the Trump Rally Watching on the Big Screen

BREAKING: "Two of Judge Kavanaugh's Yale classmates rebut reports that he 'blacked out' from alcohol abuse in college."

BREAKING: "Two of Judge Kavanaugh's Yale classmates rebut reports that he 'blacked out' from alcohol abuse in college."

BREAKING: McConnell Delivers Remarks on Kavanaugh From Senate Floor - "We'll Be Voting This Week" (VIDEO)

BREAKING: McConnell Delivers Remarks on Kavanaugh From Senate Floor - "We'll Be Voting This Week" (VIDEO)

Internal Emails Turned Over To FBI Show Smear Campaign Against Kavanaugh Was Pre-Planned And Coordinated By A Senator And A Major News Outlet

Internal Emails Turned Over To FBI Show Smear Campaign Against Kavanaugh Was Pre-Planned And Coordinated By A Senator And A Major News Outlet

Internal Emails Turned Over To FBI Show Smear Campaign Against Kavanaugh Was Pre-Planned And Coordinated By A Senator And A Major News Outlet

Internal Emails Turned Over To FBI Show Smear Campaign Against Kavanaugh Was Pre-Planned And Coordinated By A Senator And A Major News Outlet

Q: Their E _ _ _ Knows NO BOUNDS.

HUGE! Christine Ford Published 2008 Article on Self-Hypnosis Used to Retrieve and "Create Artificial Situations"

HUGE! Christine Ford Published 2008 Article on Self-Hypnosis Used to Retrieve and "Create Artificial Situations"

DrConservaMom�������� on Twitter: "How could #ChristineBlaseyFord encounter Mark Judge at the Potomac Safeway in the summer of 1982 when the Potomac Safeway didn’t open until 1986? Asking for #JudgeKavanaugh... #ConfimKavanaugh #VoteYes #SCOTUS #InvestigateChristineFord #InvestigateFeinstein #InvestigateDemocrats…"

DrConservaMom�������� on Twitter: "How could #ChristineBlaseyFord encounter Mark Judge at the Potomac Safeway in the summer of 1982 when the Potomac Safeway didn’t open until 1986? Asking for #JudgeKavanaugh... #ConfimKavanaugh #VoteYes #SCOTUS #InvestigateChristineFord #InvestigateFeinstein #InvestigateDemocrats…"

Another Trump win, Canada bends the knee: U.S. and Canada Reach Trade Deal to Keep Nafta Trilateral

Another Trump win, Canada bends the knee: U.S. and Canada Reach Trade Deal to Keep Nafta Trilateral

Another Trump win, Canada bends the knee: U.S. and Canada Reach Trade Deal to Keep Nafta Trilateral

Another Trump win, Canada bends the knee: U.S. and Canada Reach Trade Deal to Keep Nafta Trilateral

Analysis of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's Allegations - Album on Imgur

Analysis of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's Allegations - Album on Imgur

BREAKING: Rachel Mitchell writes 5-page memo sent to all GOP senators on Ford testimony tonight. “I do not think that a reasonable prosecutor wo

BREAKING: Rachel Mitchell writes 5-page memo sent to all GOP senators on Ford testimony tonight. “I do not think that a reasonable prosecutor wo

BREAKING: Rachel Mitchell writes 5-page memo sent to all GOP senators on Ford testimony tonight. “I do not think that a reasonable prosecutor wo

BREAKING: Rachel Mitchell writes 5-page memo sent to all GOP senators on Ford testimony tonight. “I do not think that a reasonable prosecutor wo