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Friday, April 26, 2019

Former Pence Aide Josh Pitcock Responds to Reports FBI Officials Wanted to Use Him to Infiltrate Trump Transition Team

Former Pence Aide Josh Pitcock Responds to Reports FBI Officials Wanted to Use Him to Infiltrate Trump Transition Team: Vice President Mike Pence and former Chief of Staff Joshua Pitcock Vice President Mike Pence’s former Chief of Staff Josh Pitcock responded to reports that the FBI, through his wife who worked in the bureau’s CI division, wanted to use him to infiltrate the Trump Transition team. Pitcock released a statement on Friday and said …

BREAKING UPDATE: Findings in the Upcoming IG Report Are Said to be "Devastating" -- Obama Interfered in Election More Than Vlad Putin!

BREAKING UPDATE: Findings in the Upcoming IG Report Are Said to be "Devastating" -- Obama Interfered in Election More Than Vlad Putin!: Former US Attorney Joe diGenova joined former Governor Mike Huckabee and Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani Wednesday night on The Ingraham Angle. DiGenova told the panel the Inspector General report and a solo report on James Comey are coming out in about two weeks. DiGenova says the report will contain criminal referrals. Joe DiGenova: The Horowitz …

Thomas Friedman joins America, endorses Trump's immigration positions

Thomas Friedman joins America, endorses Trump's immigration positions: Give New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman credit for his admission, rare among the national news media, that President Trump's immigration positions are logical, humane, and morally right.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Stunning: European Reporter Reveals Trump-Russia-Collusion Hoax Has Its Origins with Soros-Funded Ukrainian Activist Group

Stunning: European Reporter Reveals Trump-Russia-Collusion Hoax Has Its Origins with Soros-Funded Ukrainian Activist Group: The Russiagate affair began with documents released by groups funded by billionaire activist George Soros, it now emerges. Now it is clear that under Barack Obama, the U.S. Embassy in Kiev worked closely with Soros-related groups to compile opposition research on the Trump campaign. Guest post by Collin McMahon Several U.S. media outlets have reported …

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Friday, April 19, 2019

African Catholic Leader BTFOs Pope Francis, Warns ‘Islam Will Invade the World’ And Calls Migrant Invasion 'Slavery'

African Catholic Leader BTFOs Pope Francis, Warns ‘Islam Will Invade the World’ And Calls Migrant Invasion 'Slavery': The West has become so cucked that we may need based Africans to come in and set our institutions straight, and Cardinal Robert Sarah may be just the man

Dirty Cop Robert Mueller Knew There Was No Collusion Before Midterm Elections -- Kept Quiet to Help Democrats

Dirty Cop Robert Mueller Knew There Was No Collusion Before Midterm Elections -- Kept Quiet to Help Democrats: Democrats flipped the US House in the midterm elections thanks to Anti-Trumper Paul Ryan, ballot-harvesting in California and the Mueller Special Counsel. Now it appears dirty cop Robert Mueller, who stacked a special counsel full of partisan Democrats, knew there was no collusion between ANY Trump campaign official and Russia but sat on their discovery …

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Greg Hunter - Weekly Nedws Wrap-Up 4.19.19

Trump to Enforce Housing Aid Ban for Illegal Immigrants | RealClearPolitics

Trump to Enforce Housing Aid Ban for Illegal Immigrants | RealClearPolitics: The Trump administration will soon release new regulatory changes aimed at ensuring that federal housing assistance goes to qualifying citizens and legal residents, not illegal immigrants.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Julian Assange holding Gore Vidal book during London arrest

Julian Assange holding Gore Vidal book during London arrest: Julian Assange appeared to hold a copy of "Gore Vidal: History of the National Security State" during his arrest Thursday.

Candace Owens WRECKS Lieu AND Nadler at House Committee Hearing!

‘Julian Assange exposed great crimes

‘Julian Assange exposed great crimes: George Galloway has told RT that he is “shocked,” Julian Assange, has been arrested, claiming a great crime has been committed against the Wikileaks founder, insisting the Ecuadorian

MEDIA IN FULL PANIC-- After AG Barr Drops Bomb on Democrats -- Trump Was Spied On By Obama Deep State During Campaign! (VIDEO)

MEDIA IN FULL PANIC-- After AG Barr Drops Bomb on Democrats -- Trump Was Spied On By Obama Deep State During Campaign! (VIDEO): Bill Barr sent the Democrats and their stenographers in the media into a tailspin on Wednesday when he said Trump’s 2016 campaign was spied on. Democrats and their lying media were in full shock! This was not in their script! Top Senate Democrats later called on Attorney General Bill Barr to walk back his ‘spying’ …

'An Attempted Coup' Says Trump

'An Attempted Coup' Says Trump

World Faces "Uphill Battle" With Average IQ Of Just 82! | Zero Hedge

World Faces "Uphill Battle" With Average IQ Of Just 82! | Zero Hedge: “Could do better”...

Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Full Story of How Obama, Hillary and Brennan Carried Out The Crime of the Century... -

The Full Story of How Obama, Hillary and Brennan Carried Out The Crime of the Century... - This is the information the Establishment Media has been working very hard to ignore in order to keep enough Americans ignorant so as to avoid justified marching in the streets of D.C. And know that this isn’t the first time the Deep State has directly attempted to manipulate an election outcome. It’s just that this …