Coinbase - GDAX

Friday, October 21, 2011


It wasn't our imaginations that Ron Paul was being ignored, blacked out, by many of the MSM. The media has tried to prop up corporately owned candidates, to create rigged polls, finding their corporately owned tool to be the front runner of the week, or the month. A phone poll of anonymous people, a street poll that must be close to Leno's Jaywalking. Really? That's it? That's all the media has? A bunch of corporate puppets owned by the same people who own the networks?
Are we supposed to be fooled again?

The real front runner is Ron Paul. He wins almost all online polls by landslides. He wins all pre- debate and after debate polls by double digits, sometimes by a larger margins than all of the other candidates combined. He has more military support than all of the other GOP candidates combines, taking 71% of the military contributions.

Proof of Ron Paul's' Support
Matt Stiles -- The Daily Viz · Mapping Where GOP Candidates Raise Their Campaign Donations
A new Pew Research Study says that the media is guilty of bias in reporting about Ron Paul compared to the other candidates, even though he is top tier.
Are the Media Ignoring Ron Paul Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ)

Study Confirms Ron Paul Blacked Out by Media">Study Confirms Ron Paul Blacked Out by Media

There is a website with information about how to approach local and network television and radio who are biased, unfair, and flat out ignoring Ron Paul.
They aren't just ignoring him. They are ignoring millions of supporters, and more than 100,000 contributing supporters. It's time to get mad, and be proactive.

Boycotts4Paul has information to help you fight back. I took the advice about telling a station that their sponsors could be complained to, and their products boycotted. The next day, after weeks of requests, they corrected a report and showed Ron Paul in a fair and equal manner. Of course, I added the link to the Howard Beal, Mad as Hell speech on you tube, which probably made the point better than anything I said. LOL
Okay, I can't resist. Here are the three videos I include when I emailed a local station, a successful email.
George Carlin

NETWORK, We're In A Lot Of Trouble , ( no embed to be found )


Fight back. Be nice, but firm. Email, call, fill in comment boxes, hit their facebook and twitter pages, send it snailmail.
Remember, we are representing Ron Paul, a man of integrity. If the offending media mends their ways, email or call to thank them. In emails, it might help to add the links above proving media bias. We can't afford to stop watching because we are angry. We have to be the media watchdogs, and we have to call them on it every time they ignore Ron Paul.
We can't let the media steal another election for the corporations. Take action, y'all. You know you want to. Just surf to the station website, and do it.

One more thing. When you see a comment box after a news story, get 'em if they are not being fair. Praise them if they write a great article supporting Ron Paul. If they have misinformed posters commenting, school them. Have fun!

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